Monday, May 25, 2009
Honoring Our Country
Summer time is not just about vacation, picnics, summer camps and visiting relatives. There are three days that honor our Country. The first is Memorial Day which used to be called Remembrance Day. A day to set aside and remember the fallen. Now... it's just another vacation day when kids don't go to school. How far away we have come from the true meaning of that day. Another is Flag Day. Most of our children don't even know there is a day set aside to honor our flag and what it represents. Some don't even know who made and designed the first flag. How can we be patriotic when patriotism isn't taught in school? Lastly there is the one day set aside for our country in July. Children today just consider it a day of fireworks and picnics without being reminded of why we celebrate this special day. A day we became independent from England. Many died then and are still dying for us to continue our freedom. We still must fight for freedom of our land. We have many in Washington who are determined to take that freedom away from us. We are slowing turning toward socialism and away from a free democracy. So when you are celebrating the special days of honoring our fallen and forefathers, remember to pray for those in Washington that they may do like our forefathers did, and pray to our Sovereign God for guidance in leading a powerful nation that is losing it's power.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Blessed Assurance
Today hasn't been a good day, physically for me. So I've been sitting at the computer listening to Holiness and I'm so glad I found this website. Music keeps my mind off of the aches and pains. But the song Blessed Assurance started playing and how encouraging! I'm glad we can have that blessed assurance from the Lord all day long. Not just for a minute or an hour, but continuously. Even on day's like this I can still have the assurance of the joy in my heart. I think about many who might be going through the same as me and how they are reacting and how depressing they could be, but with God, I'm able to redirect my thoughts on praise for Jesus, instead of "pity me" thoughts. :)
I've come to Deut. 30 where Moses is sharing God's song to the Israelites. I truly don't want to be as hard headed as they were. I do want to make it to Jordan! But this made me think, no matter the time difference, there is much to catch our attention and stray from Christ if we let it. Just like the Israelites did even in their time. Help me Lord to keep my eyes and heart fixed on you!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Reaching The Promised Land
I decided to read and study the Bible from beginning to end. I started in January and it's May and I'm only in Deuteronomy 9. I feel like I should be further along. But I decided to study and take my time. I've enjoyed the discussions with dad on the scriptures I'm reading. He is a walking Bible and has such knowledge from his years of studying. I find that these beginning chapters, are repetitious and I could let it get boring, but I stop to think, why are these being repeated? I think it is because of the different generations that have come and gone, and Moses continually reminds them of God greatness and how far the Israelites have come since they left Egypt. They are now getting ready to cross over the Jordan river into the Promised Land, but only the faithful will make it...I want the Lord to find me faithful where I can reach the promised land!
God's will,
promised land
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Life or Death, which is your choice?
Romans 8:2 tells us that Christ makes me free from the law of sin and death. When we live in Christ, we have nothing to fear in death. Why? Because even if our body dies, our soul,or spirit, immediately returns to one of two places. Do you know where you will be? No matter how hard we try to be "good", without the freedom of sin, repentance,and forgiveness of sin, we will not make it to heaven. There are NOT many roads to heaven, there is only ONE WAY and that is through Christ. Which road do you choose?
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
God's Forgiveness
I decided to read the Bible through this year and here it is almost May and I'm only on Numbers 23. Now I know a lot of people would probably skip some of these books. But the more I have read (and yes a lot of it is repetitious), the more I find God's forgiveness in just the first 4 books of the Bible. Over and over He gave the Israelites new beginnings and forgiveness. Now I must say those who hardened their hearts and disobeyed Him paid the price (death), but through it all, God is a loving God and like an earthly father, wants His children to do what is good and right. But most of all He wants us to worship, praise and adore Him. The Everlasting Father, Abba, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, Almighty Father...So many words can describe Him, but I'm so glad that He is a Forgiving God. One who forgives and forgets. He is always there with open arms to forgive, comfort, cheer, and love us. Although He is a forgiving Father, I must add that the Israelites continued to disobeyed the same way, by worshiping other things. Putting others things ahead of Him. This displeases Him, so we as Christians must strive to live a holy, Christ-like life that will please Him.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Be Still My Soul
One of my favorite songs is "Be still my soul." We sometimes get so wrapped up in our prayer time talking to God, asking for things, praying for other, seeking His will, that we forget to just stop and listen. How can we hear if we are doing all the talking? I had a new friend ask what do we do to be still. I told her that we have to clear our minds of everything, not say a word, and be silent and wait for God's voice. It doesn't always come right away, but if we wait patiently you will begin to feel the Holy Spirit moving within you. It is an awesome and powerful thing, but we can't do it without sometimes being still. Sort of a type of meditation, only in the Bibical sense. Have you felt God's refreshing springs lately? Have you sat quietly and let the Lord move in your heart and mind? Try it sometime. You will be suprise at the wonderful, joyful, feeling. He will show you many things this way.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Rejoice in the Lord
Today is the day the Lord has made! Satan tries to work extra hard on days we go to church. How many out there dread getting up on the day you go to church? I used to, until I realized that we allow the devil to put those thoughts in our head. Each time this happened and I went to church, I realized that I would have missed out on a blessing! How did I remedy that? The night before I ask for strength to overcome the obstacle. I ask the Lord to continue to give me joy in my heart to rejoice in Him on a special day we set aside to come and gather in His name. I still struggle physically, but mentally I'm ready to worship the one and true LIVING Saviour. It doesn't matter what day you use to gather in God's house, wake up with the attitude you are going to worship Him and be with other saints in Jesus, to praise, testify, and glorify The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords! Praise His Name Forever!!! I LOVE HIM! He has taken this mirey clay and made a beautiful vessel! I want to shine for Jesus! Do you? Rejoice in the Lord, again I say Rejoice!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Can I get a Witness?
Not everyday, can I sit and write without asking for God's guidance. What would you have me say today Lord? What would you have me do? Where do you want me to be? What can I do to help a person? Help me to be sweet and at peace with everyone. But most of all, help me to be holy in your sight. God calls us to become one like Him. We must continue to seek His will in our life. The most important event in our life is God calls each of us to be a witness to others. He doesn't call everyone to be preachers, or teachers, but He does command us to go into the world and tell others about Him. Don't let opportunities go by without letting someone know God loves them and you do to. You may be the only Jesus a person will see. Give them something that will stay in there minds. This is how the Holy Spirit moves, is through people who share God's word, His promise. How many people will you speak to today about Christ. Not everyone I speak to is unsaved, but God puts people in my life to show or help someone that needs a fresh look at a situation that they have been struggling with. Be open to God's voice and be a witness for Him. It may be someone who has been a Christian all their life, or it may be someone who doesn't know Christ. Just be available!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Inspired by God
It amazes me how "Christians" will read parts of the Bible and other parts they say is not important. Let me tell you friends, ALL of the Bible is important! It's God's WORD. Every last word in there was inspired by God, written by man. In other words, God told man what to write. Through the years, people have translated the Bible to be more to modern day, some are correct, some miss the boat. If you get a Bible that is a modern day version, be sure to keep your KJV with you also, along with a good commentary. Study God's word. He will show you what is true and just. God doesn't show everyone the same thing at one time. He opens our eyes to what we need to see at a particular time. It's called growing in faith. Keep God's word close. When you have a question about something, take time to figure it out, do a little research, ask others if they understand what you are reading. This helps you grow as a Christian. Get Inspired by God's Word!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
After thinking about this for several days, I thought I'd share some of this with you. We all know what God can do. Sometimes forgetting what He can do, we take things for granted. But what can God NOT do? I'm sure there is a lot more than what I've come up with, but this gives you an idea....
Cannot be a mortal... Job 9:32
Does not break a promise (change His mind)...Gen.18:20-23
Is not weak...Num. 11:23
Does not forsake His own...Gen. 48:15
Does not like Sin, abhors sin of any kind...Gen 6:6-7
Does not Lie, His word is truth...Rom. 3:4
Does not give us more than we can handle with Him (nothing is impossible with God)...Lk. 9:13-14
Will not remember your sins after you ask forgiveness... Jer 31:34
God does not Fail...Jn. 1:14
Is not unfaithful...IITim. 2:13
Does not look at outward appearances but at the heart (but what's in the heart, reflects our outward appearances (me version))...I Sam 16:7
So you see there is a lot that God does not do.... Aren't you glad we serve a just and loving God! Many Christians try to keep everything in their life positive and this is good to do. But we must remember that without a negative, there would be no positive! So Praise Him not only for what He does do in and around your life, but for what He doesn't do as well!
Cannot be a mortal... Job 9:32
Does not break a promise (change His mind)...Gen.18:20-23
Is not weak...Num. 11:23
Does not forsake His own...Gen. 48:15
Does not like Sin, abhors sin of any kind...Gen 6:6-7
Does not Lie, His word is truth...Rom. 3:4
Does not give us more than we can handle with Him (nothing is impossible with God)...Lk. 9:13-14
Will not remember your sins after you ask forgiveness... Jer 31:34
God does not Fail...Jn. 1:14
Is not unfaithful...IITim. 2:13
Does not look at outward appearances but at the heart (but what's in the heart, reflects our outward appearances (me version))...I Sam 16:7
So you see there is a lot that God does not do.... Aren't you glad we serve a just and loving God! Many Christians try to keep everything in their life positive and this is good to do. But we must remember that without a negative, there would be no positive! So Praise Him not only for what He does do in and around your life, but for what He doesn't do as well!
Monday, March 30, 2009
God is in Control
No matter what we are facing in our life God gives us a promise in Philippians 4:6 " Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for what he has done." V7 says "If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." What a wonderful promise. I experienced that yesterday. It isn't the first time I've felt calmness when thing are rough, but it is just the Holy Spirits way of reminding me God is in Control. He knows what I'm facing and He just wants me to lean into Him more. It's our way of growing closer to God! I have to give HIM praise for all He is doing in my life. I wish everyone that reads this message today can experience the peace that God can place in our hearts and learn to lean closer to Him every second of the day!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Fruit of the Spirit
I was pondering this morning and thinking about how faithful, loving and merciful God truly is. Many of us take our life for granted, and don't stop to really think about God's grace... He is the only One I know that exemplfies Fruit of the Spirit. Gal.5:22a "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us:love,joy,peace,patience,kindness,goodness,faithfulness,gentleness,and self-control..." This is what Christ is... This is what we should be...It takes years of practice to get there, some of us might not have it all, but the important part is that we are striving to become one fruit of the spirit. Paul writes about having a perfect heart. This is what he is talking about. We can't be perfect in the true sense of the word, like God is perfect. But it is our striving to be perfect that bring us closer to being like Christ.
My grandmother used to make this fruit salad I have named Heavenly Fruit Salad. It is the perfect combination of fruits and nuts, that makes you want to eat the whole bowl. When I became an adult, I asked Grandma how she made the fruit salad. Here is what she told me, " I put a little of bananas, a couple of kinds of apples, some pineapples, oranges, mandrine oranges, two kinds of grapes, and pecans and sprinkle a little bit of lemon on to keep the fruit from turning." The thing is, she never told me how much of each item she used... a little of this and a little of that, wasn't quite the directions I needed. (especially since I'm culinary challenged). So I started trying to make it with a little of this and a little of that, but it just didn't quite taste right. You see, if I didn't have enough of one item, it didn't have the right taste to my palate. Leaving out an item, of course, gave it a different taste too...It took me several years to finally get it right. When I got it right, it was heavenly! Thus the name....
You see the fruit of the spirit is the same, we know what the ingredients are, it is learning how much of each we need to balance out our life. So when things upset you, or you are discouraged, think about how much God has to put up with from all of us and His mercy he bestows on us. Strive to become more of the Fruit of the Spirit. Work on how much of each ingredient you need, and remember when you leave one out, or have more than you should of another, you lose your balance...
Heavenly Fruit Salad
2apples - 1 delicious apple cut into small pieces,1 granny smith apple cut into small pieces,
1 large bananna divide into lengthwise and cut thin slices,
2lg. orange cut into small bite sizes
1 small bunch of red seedless grapes quartered,
1small bunch green seedless grapes quartered,
1 small can(drained) of mandrine oranges,
1 can (drained)of cubed pineapples,
1 cup chopped pecans,
Mix all ingredients, and add 1 squeezed lemon, or 1/4 cup of lemon juice.
The combination of the fruits, to me, the best taste this side of heaven.
After sharing this recipe, I just want you to know my point is even if you make this with the ingredients listed above, it is up to you to make it your own so it taste heavenly. See Grandma just gave me the ingredients, not the amounts, I had to make it to taste as close as I could to what I knew hers tasted like. Just like in God's word, there are no amounts of Fruit of the Spirit, because each of us are made differently, so it is up to us to ask for God's guidance so we are more like Him.
My grandmother used to make this fruit salad I have named Heavenly Fruit Salad. It is the perfect combination of fruits and nuts, that makes you want to eat the whole bowl. When I became an adult, I asked Grandma how she made the fruit salad. Here is what she told me, " I put a little of bananas, a couple of kinds of apples, some pineapples, oranges, mandrine oranges, two kinds of grapes, and pecans and sprinkle a little bit of lemon on to keep the fruit from turning." The thing is, she never told me how much of each item she used... a little of this and a little of that, wasn't quite the directions I needed. (especially since I'm culinary challenged). So I started trying to make it with a little of this and a little of that, but it just didn't quite taste right. You see, if I didn't have enough of one item, it didn't have the right taste to my palate. Leaving out an item, of course, gave it a different taste too...It took me several years to finally get it right. When I got it right, it was heavenly! Thus the name....
You see the fruit of the spirit is the same, we know what the ingredients are, it is learning how much of each we need to balance out our life. So when things upset you, or you are discouraged, think about how much God has to put up with from all of us and His mercy he bestows on us. Strive to become more of the Fruit of the Spirit. Work on how much of each ingredient you need, and remember when you leave one out, or have more than you should of another, you lose your balance...
Heavenly Fruit Salad
2apples - 1 delicious apple cut into small pieces,1 granny smith apple cut into small pieces,
1 large bananna divide into lengthwise and cut thin slices,
2lg. orange cut into small bite sizes
1 small bunch of red seedless grapes quartered,
1small bunch green seedless grapes quartered,
1 small can(drained) of mandrine oranges,
1 can (drained)of cubed pineapples,
1 cup chopped pecans,
Mix all ingredients, and add 1 squeezed lemon, or 1/4 cup of lemon juice.
The combination of the fruits, to me, the best taste this side of heaven.
After sharing this recipe, I just want you to know my point is even if you make this with the ingredients listed above, it is up to you to make it your own so it taste heavenly. See Grandma just gave me the ingredients, not the amounts, I had to make it to taste as close as I could to what I knew hers tasted like. Just like in God's word, there are no amounts of Fruit of the Spirit, because each of us are made differently, so it is up to us to ask for God's guidance so we are more like Him.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Prayer First
What is prayer? Prayer is to make intercession with God...or make petition, or converse with God...Prayer first thing in the morning seriously gets you through the day...I Thes. 5:17 says pray without ceasing... God doesn't expect us to stay on our knees all day, but He does expect us to keep Him in our thoughts throughout the day. I don't think a lot of Christians pray enough. I know I don't... I let other interest sometimes get in the way. But I must say, there isn't a day that doesn't go by that I don't have prayer and talk to God regularly! I see God's grace and mercy on me and my family's life each and everyday. It would be a SIN for me not to give Him praise and thank Him for protection. I tell you folks, if we keep in prayer it will get us through each and every day. Even when life is rough, imagine how much rougher it would be without Christ and not being able to go to Him in prayer...I encourage you all to keep prayer first in your life. You will see and feel a change in your life!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
One Purpose in Life
Each one of us has a purpose in life on our own. We have goals, plans, ideas, and thoughts for the future. But have you thought about what God's plan is in your life? You see the one true purpose in our life is to be in God's will. So what does that mean? It means giving up our goals, plans, ideas and thoughts for our future and letting God give us what He want for our life. God's will isn't just for preachers and missionaries. It's for all who have been called to walk in the truth. It's for all who believe... Jesus said "Not my will, but Thine". So if Jesus gave up His will to God, don't you think we should too? Seek Him in prayer and ask Him for His will in your life. Don't be afraid, because He won't give you more than you can handle. We just have to let go and let God have His way. I surrender ALL!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Stand up for Jesus
The bible verse today on my Google Front Page is in I Peter 3:15 which tells us we are to sanctify our hearts, (completely turning your life over to Him), and then we are to ALWAYS be ready to give an answer for the reason we believe what we believe without getting into arguments, or being defensive. In other words we are to Stand up for Jesus but do so with a humble and meek heart, so others cannot accuse us of being mean or hateful. Everyday we get a chance to stand up for Jesus. In our talk, our actions, our dress. When a lost soul looks at you, do they see Jesus in you? Can they tell you are a Christian by the way you talk, or act, or dress? Or are they confused when they talk or watch you? Are you sending mixed messages? You know Christ tells us we can't serve two masters. We are also to be separate from the world. Our lifestyle changed when we let Christ into our hearts. It isn't just our lifestyle, but the DESIRE to want to change. Are you Standing up for Jesus when someone asks you about your relationship with Him, or do you just say I go to such and such a church. Going to church won't get you to heaven, but standing up for Jesus will, if your heart is truly changed. I hope today that you will take the time to tell someone about Jesus.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Thorn in the Flesh
We don't know what Pauls thorn in the flesh was, but we know that whatever it was helped him to depend on God more. It helped him to be more humble. We all have some type of "thorn in the flesh", but some are proud and boastful of it, other don't like to talk about it, while others use it to depend more on God. This could be physical, emotional, or spiritual. God's power is displayed in our weakness. We should recognize those weaknesses ("thorn in the flesh"), and learn to depend on God more. Our limitations not only help us to develop Christian character but should also deepen our worship, because admitting them we affirm God's strength. Do you know what your "thorn in the flesh" is? Are you using it for God's glory and not your own?
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Bloom where you are planted
There's the saying " Bloom where you are planted." In other words make the best of what is given to you. This saying sort of reminds me of Luke 8, when Christ is explaining about the farmer planting seed. He scattered it across his field and some fell on a foot path, some on shallow soil with rocks, others fell in thorny areas and some fell on fertile ground. The only ones that survived were the ones on fertile ground. The others only bloomed for a little while and then died away, never to grow again. The ones on fertile ground produced crop a hundred times as much as had been planted. So what would the saying mean Bloom where you are planted? It means you have been given the truth from God's word, now use it, learn it, live it, so your roots will grow deep and no matter what comes your way, wind, rain, dryness, cold, sun, and any other elements you can think of, your roots will be grounded and not be moved...Don't be like the seeds that scattered around and didn't root. Don't be misled by others, don't let satan entice you with things of this world. Grow deep in God so others can see Jesus in you!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Fellowship with Christ
There are many aspects to having fellowship in Christ. Being a part of the church is truly an uplifting way to have fellowship in Christ. I think one of the best way to have fellowship is not just being in church but participating with different groups within the church. We have a group for the women of our church called Women of Worth. We get together as a group once a month, have devotions, prayer time, games, do crafts, have lunch and fellowship. To me you can't beat having the warmth that is felt being around other believers who share your beliefs. We uphold each other, encourage each other, pray for each other, and we are there for each other when we "hit a bump in the road". I truly appreciate our Women of Worth in our church. If you are a new believer, find a group around the same age as you and attend meetings with them. This is one of the best ways of growing in Christ. When we have fellowship in Christ we are one with each other.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thinking Positive
Have you ever been around someone who always has something negative to say? I find myself sometimes saying things negatively. But that is not what Christ wants us to do. God's word says in Philippians 4:8 to fix our thoughts on what is right and true and honorable, think about these that are pure and lovely and admirable. We live in a world where there is very little pureness, people are crooked, dishonest and selfish. With all that, it is sometimes hard to think positive. But if we start our day with reading God's word, talking to God, and fellowship with other sisters and brothers in Christ, it shouldn't be too hard to think positive. There have been many a time when someone has made a negative statement and I have tried to think of a positive. Let's do what the Bible says and think about things that Christ would approve of so others will not stumble.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
The Church
I love the song, The Church is one foundation, it's Jesus Christ her Lord....We sometimes get so bogged down in who goes to what church, that we forget there is only one true church.... it's not the Protestants, or Catholics, or other groups out there... It's Jesus Christ! He is the Church, we are the bride. People try to find a church that suits there needs, when they should be reading the bible to find what suits God's needs. Being a christian isn't about what church you go to, it's about being Christ like and being in one with Him. Then we can be in harmony with others. God's word is the only truth. The Church is Christ Himself!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Why Worry?
Throughout the Psalms, David leaves an impression of constant worry, but then gives God praise and honors Him. But one of the verses that sticks to my mind, when I'm stressed or worried about things, is Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. (NLT). As I quickly approached the closing of my business, I worried about getting all the bills paid, wondering where to store items that don't sell, hoping my website business will pick up so I can work from home. I stress over the fact that my family isn't ready to meet our maker. But in all this, I have to continually remind myself, that God is in control. No matter what comes our way, He is there to help us through it all. It's these trials that either make or break us. We either try to do things our way or lean on Jesus more. I truly want to learn to lean on Jesus more,with or without times of trouble. I know I can't do it myself and there is a greater being out there that will see me through all these problems. Even if it is some that we might put on ourselves. He is still on the throne and able to lift us up. I LOVE the Lord and will remember to give Him Praise, (and all my worries!).
Sunday, March 8, 2009
God is Merciful
While everyone was enjoying the beautiful snow this past week, my husband and I were feeling the devastation of it. And through it all I could only think that God was merciful. Even though a large pine tree fell on our carport attached to the house, and another totally destroyed Franks workshop in the back of the yard, neither of us were harmed in anyway. I told Frank all of this is replaceable but life isn't. What is more devastating is if we don't make it to heaven... God IS Good, His mercy is everlasting...
Monday, March 2, 2009
Speak of the Devil...
Most people are afraid to mention Satan, but let me tell you my friends, he is alive and seems to be doing well among those who don't believe. The wonderful news is that Satan is only allowed to do what God let's him do. Satan wants you to think he is in control... But not so...God is the only One who is in control. Yes we go through trials and tribulations, but remember Christ did to. Christ defeated Satan and you can too. So many Christians think we can't help but sin daily, this is not true. We have the will to turn away from sin when we want to. Now granted there might be times that we do something wrong, but don't realize it until the Holy Spirit shows us different, but to blatantly sin and think we can, is a false way of living. When Christ came into our lives to live, sin was forgiven and taken away. We are the only way sin can return, but why do that when we can fix our eyes on Christ and do our best not to sin. Turn from temptation, this will keep you from sinning. So you see Satan wants us to think that we have to sin everyday even if we profess to be saved, but we don't. Turn to Jesus when you feel the urge. I'm hear to tell you if you quote the scripture "Get thee behind me Satan", and plead the blood, he has NO CHOICE but to flee!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
I Found the Answer
I LOVE to testify for Jesus! I can't help but to give Him glory for all He has done in my life... One thing I miss at my store is being there to speak to people about Christ. The Lord always opens a door and I do my best to walk through it. If you are not sure how to be a witness for Jesus, go to Him in prayer. He gives you the answer and the opportunity to stand up for Him. Your witness might not always be in a speaking sense, but your attitude speaks for itself. There have been many a time that customers have come up to me and asked, "You're a Christian, aren't you?" This always opens a door. Find the answers in Him, if you want more opportunities to witness, just ask. He'll equip you with the ability to speak up for Him.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Will you be ready?
We've heard it for years.... Christ is coming soon. We know this to be true, because God's word is truth and everything in the bible has happened. Christ came once and He has promised He will come again soon. In the blink of an eye. When you think about that, it doesn't give us time to get things right, so we need to stay ahead in our christian walk. Always be on the ready. Praise the Lord, our redemption is drawing close! Are you ready?
Friday, February 27, 2009
Keep looking Up!
God's word tells us that in the last days there will be natural disasters, plagues, famine and other phenomenon's. We live in those days. The Bible says one day is like a thousand years with God, so no one can say exactly when Christ is coming, but it will be soon! Will you be ready for his coming. Is your faith strong enough to withstand trials and tribulations that come our way? Keep holding on... Keep looking up.... Christ is coming soon.... Be ready!
You would think the closer to Christ coming, the more Christians should have a desire to be closer to Christ. Being closer to Christ is not how many times you go to church, or what groups you are involved with at church. Although those are part of being a Christian, it is not the most important part. Times like those are just a couple of times a week. Knowing Jesus is a 24/7 life. Christians are to be separated from the world. I can't help but say there are many so called Christians out there that send mixed signals, no wonder the world is confused by what being a Christian is all about. We need to take knowing Jesus seriously, or we are going to miss the boat! These so called entertainers that say we have to look or act like the world in order to reach the world, have not been reading the same book I'm reading! Rom.12:2 NLT, "Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will know what God wants you to do, and you will know how good and pleasing and perfect His will really is." I have to say this doesn't describe several "Christian Entertainers" to me. So I ask you again, Do you know my Jesus? Are you walking in the light daily and not just twice a week? Think about it!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Have you Heard?
There's a great day coming soon! Time is getting shorter...We have to be ready for that great day! Christ will appear in the blinking of an eye, this doesn't give you much time to get ready if you wait till the last minute. It's important for us to begin now to get ready for the Lord's coming. Just like a bride gets ready for her groom. We must have the same feeling... Can't wait to see my Saviour face to face, Can you?
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