Monday, May 25, 2009

Honoring Our Country

Summer time is not just about vacation, picnics, summer camps and visiting relatives. There are three days that honor our Country. The first is Memorial Day which used to be called Remembrance Day. A day to set aside and remember the fallen. Now... it's just another vacation day when kids don't go to school. How far away we have come from the true meaning of that day. Another is Flag Day. Most of our children don't even know there is a day set aside to honor our flag and what it represents. Some don't even know who made and designed the first flag. How can we be patriotic when patriotism isn't taught in school? Lastly there is the one day set aside for our country in July. Children today just consider it a day of fireworks and picnics without being reminded of why we celebrate this special day. A day we became independent from England. Many died then and are still dying for us to continue our freedom. We still must fight for freedom of our land. We have many in Washington who are determined to take that freedom away from us. We are slowing turning toward socialism and away from a free democracy. So when you are celebrating the special days of honoring our fallen and forefathers, remember to pray for those in Washington that they may do like our forefathers did, and pray to our Sovereign God for guidance in leading a powerful nation that is losing it's power.


  1. Good to see you folk on line. Thank you for keeping in touch with: God, Our Great Country, Those of Like Faith and US! I will keep this among my favorites on the list! God Bless you and yours. Write us at " ~ Love in Christ, Jim Brewer

  2. Hello Friends, It is time for an update!!! May is distant past we are now getting ready to step into August!! We are interested in the events of your lives. It is not the achievement of a destination but the journey and the choices we make that lead to the Eternal Destination that make it all possible. Stay true and keep in touch. ~ Jim
