Monday, March 9, 2009

Why Worry?

Throughout the Psalms, David leaves an impression of constant worry, but then gives God praise and honors Him. But one of the verses that sticks to my mind, when I'm stressed or worried about things, is Psalms 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble. (NLT). As I quickly approached the closing of my business, I worried about getting all the bills paid, wondering where to store items that don't sell, hoping my website business will pick up so I can work from home. I stress over the fact that my family isn't ready to meet our maker. But in all this, I have to continually remind myself, that God is in control. No matter what comes our way, He is there to help us through it all. It's these trials that either make or break us. We either try to do things our way or lean on Jesus more. I truly want to learn to lean on Jesus more,with or without times of trouble. I know I can't do it myself and there is a greater being out there that will see me through all these problems. Even if it is some that we might put on ourselves. He is still on the throne and able to lift us up. I LOVE the Lord and will remember to give Him Praise, (and all my worries!).

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