Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Stand up for Jesus

The bible verse today on my Google Front Page is in I Peter 3:15 which tells us we are to sanctify our hearts, (completely turning your life over to Him), and then we are to ALWAYS be ready to give an answer for the reason we believe what we believe without getting into arguments, or being defensive. In other words we are to Stand up for Jesus but do so with a humble and meek heart, so others cannot accuse us of being mean or hateful. Everyday we get a chance to stand up for Jesus. In our talk, our actions, our dress. When a lost soul looks at you, do they see Jesus in you? Can they tell you are a Christian by the way you talk, or act, or dress? Or are they confused when they talk or watch you? Are you sending mixed messages? You know Christ tells us we can't serve two masters. We are also to be separate from the world. Our lifestyle changed when we let Christ into our hearts. It isn't just our lifestyle, but the DESIRE to want to change. Are you Standing up for Jesus when someone asks you about your relationship with Him, or do you just say I go to such and such a church. Going to church won't get you to heaven, but standing up for Jesus will, if your heart is truly changed. I hope today that you will take the time to tell someone about Jesus.

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