Monday, May 25, 2009

Honoring Our Country

Summer time is not just about vacation, picnics, summer camps and visiting relatives. There are three days that honor our Country. The first is Memorial Day which used to be called Remembrance Day. A day to set aside and remember the fallen. Now... it's just another vacation day when kids don't go to school. How far away we have come from the true meaning of that day. Another is Flag Day. Most of our children don't even know there is a day set aside to honor our flag and what it represents. Some don't even know who made and designed the first flag. How can we be patriotic when patriotism isn't taught in school? Lastly there is the one day set aside for our country in July. Children today just consider it a day of fireworks and picnics without being reminded of why we celebrate this special day. A day we became independent from England. Many died then and are still dying for us to continue our freedom. We still must fight for freedom of our land. We have many in Washington who are determined to take that freedom away from us. We are slowing turning toward socialism and away from a free democracy. So when you are celebrating the special days of honoring our fallen and forefathers, remember to pray for those in Washington that they may do like our forefathers did, and pray to our Sovereign God for guidance in leading a powerful nation that is losing it's power.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Blessed Assurance

Today hasn't been a good day, physically for me. So I've been sitting at the computer listening to Holiness and I'm so glad I found this website. Music keeps my mind off of the aches and pains. But the song Blessed Assurance started playing and how encouraging! I'm glad we can have that blessed assurance from the Lord all day long. Not just for a minute or an hour, but continuously. Even on day's like this I can still have the assurance of the joy in my heart. I think about many who might be going through the same as me and how they are reacting and how depressing they could be, but with God, I'm able to redirect my thoughts on praise for Jesus, instead of "pity me" thoughts. :)

I've come to Deut. 30 where Moses is sharing God's song to the Israelites. I truly don't want to be as hard headed as they were. I do want to make it to Jordan! But this made me think, no matter the time difference, there is much to catch our attention and stray from Christ if we let it. Just like the Israelites did even in their time. Help me Lord to keep my eyes and heart fixed on you!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Reaching The Promised Land

I decided to read and study the Bible from beginning to end. I started in January and it's May and I'm only in Deuteronomy 9. I feel like I should be further along. But I decided to study and take my time. I've enjoyed the discussions with dad on the scriptures I'm reading. He is a walking Bible and has such knowledge from his years of studying. I find that these beginning chapters, are repetitious and I could let it get boring, but I stop to think, why are these being repeated? I think it is because of the different generations that have come and gone, and Moses continually reminds them of God greatness and how far the Israelites have come since they left Egypt. They are now getting ready to cross over the Jordan river into the Promised Land, but only the faithful will make it...I want the Lord to find me faithful where I can reach the promised land!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Life or Death, which is your choice?

Romans 8:2 tells us that Christ makes me free from the law of sin and death. When we live in Christ, we have nothing to fear in death. Why? Because even if our body dies, our soul,or spirit, immediately returns to one of two places. Do you know where you will be? No matter how hard we try to be "good", without the freedom of sin, repentance,and forgiveness of sin, we will not make it to heaven. There are NOT many roads to heaven, there is only ONE WAY and that is through Christ. Which road do you choose?