Wednesday, April 29, 2009

God's Forgiveness

I decided to read the Bible through this year and here it is almost May and I'm only on Numbers 23. Now I know a lot of people would probably skip some of these books. But the more I have read (and yes a lot of it is repetitious), the more I find God's forgiveness in just the first 4 books of the Bible. Over and over He gave the Israelites new beginnings and forgiveness. Now I must say those who hardened their hearts and disobeyed Him paid the price (death), but through it all, God is a loving God and like an earthly father, wants His children to do what is good and right. But most of all He wants us to worship, praise and adore Him. The Everlasting Father, Abba, Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End, Almighty Father...So many words can describe Him, but I'm so glad that He is a Forgiving God. One who forgives and forgets. He is always there with open arms to forgive, comfort, cheer, and love us. Although He is a forgiving Father, I must add that the Israelites continued to disobeyed the same way, by worshiping other things. Putting others things ahead of Him. This displeases Him, so we as Christians must strive to live a holy, Christ-like life that will please Him.

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